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Please Note: If you are trying to register for the ECOT training, you will have to update your employment information on your profile to your school district (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.) Nota Por Favor: Si estás intentando inscribirte en la capacitación ECOT, tendrás que actualizar la información de tu empleo en tu perfil al distrito escolar al que perteneces (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.)
The book Powerful Interactions, written by A. Dombro, J. Jablon, & C. Stetson, provides the foundation for this 4-hour training about practical and influential ways to interact with young children. Join us as we explore a number of practical insights and strategies that can help to increase our effectiveness as educators of young children.
Objective 1: You will have defined what a “powerful interaction” is and what it isn’t. Objective 2: You will have recognized static in your life, and written strategies to calm the static so that you can be present with children. Objective 3: You will have examined your own temperament and the temperament of the children in your care. Objective 4: You will have explored strategies for being present, connecting and extending the learning in the classroom, and generate a list of strategies to use. Objective 5: You will have used reflection and assessment to create a plan to ensure powerful interactions are occurring during the day, in your classroom. Competencies
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