Please Note: Trainings with purple icons are in-person (face-to-face). 
Nota Por Favor: Las capacitaciones con íconos morados son presenciales (cara-a-cara). 

TeachStone: Trauma-Informed Professional Development Series- ONLINE

Course Number
 Learn from experts in trauma-informed care how to have powerful interactions that support children, families and peers in times of trauma.The total online course contains six hours of content and an additional webinar.
This online, on-demand learning experience will focus on the importance of interactions in order to support children, families and staff.
Additional Information
This online course is linked to the Interactions at the Heart of Healing webinar. Please choose the webinar date after registering for the online training. The deadline to complete online training is May 15th to satisfy the prerequisite for the webinar. The online content will be available after May 15th. 

要求注册 概览
This webinar is available as a supplement to the Trauma-Informed Professional Development Series-Online

This live webinar will support the transfer to practice of trauma-informed care concepts. 

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