Please Note: If you are trying to register for the ECOT training, you will have to update your employment information on your profile to your school district (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.)

Nota Por Favor: Si estás intentando inscribirte en la capacitación ECOT, tendrás que actualizar la información de tu empleo en tu perfil al distrito escolar al que perteneces (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.)

Early Learning Series 1: How are Children Learning Through Play (ELS 1: 2hr)

Course Number
This module is designed for individuals who are new to working with young children or who are unfamiliar with the concepts and research on play based learning.  Understanding how a child learns and develops often takes time this series is designed to break down certain concepts into smaller components to help make better sense of a bigger idea.  This module will begin the conversation by introducing basic concepts of how children learn through play and exploring the role of the adult in that play. 2 hours (NM Competencies: 1(1 hr), 4(1 hr))  – Required for 1st year NM PreK Teachers (Equivalent to NM PreK New Teacher Training when you have completed Early Learning Series: How Children Learn Through Play,Early Learning Series: Foundations of the ELG and AODCP, Early Learning Series: Putting It Into Practice, and Early Learning Series: Weaving It All Together) – Recommended for FOCUS Administrators and Educators Competencies: 1.  Child Growth Development & Learning: 1 hr 4.  Developmentally Appropriate Content: 1 hr
Objective 1: By the end of this course you will have explored different ways children learn through playing. Objective 2: By the end of this course you will have connected play and play based materials to developmental skills within 5 developmental areas Objective 3: By the end of this course you will have viewed the stages of play children move through between the ages of 0-5. Objective 4: By the end of this course you will have stated in your own words, the adult role in play-based learning and what this means in your setting.  
Additional Information
All modules must be completed in order to receive your certificate. For the Assignment Modules with instructions to post to a certain topic in the Course Forum, you must scroll down to the bottom and before you click Submit put a check mark next to “Mark Assignment As Completed”. Please keep in mind that all modules must be completed in order to earn the certificate and all activities are completed through participation. You will not be graded or scored on any activity. This training can be completed in one sitting or through several short sessions depending on your schedule. You can access the training at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once you have completed all modules, your certificate will appear in your transcript. Please contact the Early Childhood Services Center for technical support: Technical Support 505-277-1118  New Mexico Early Learning System Early Childhood Services Center Available Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
Course Hours
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