Please Note: Trainings with purple icons are in-person (face-to-face). 
Nota Por Favor: Las capacitaciones con íconos morados son presenciales (cara-a-cara). 

Child Care Licensing Regulations: Back to Basics

Course Number

This training will guide you through the basic components of New Mexico's Child Care Licensing regulations.

1.       Child Growth Development & Learning:
2.       Health Safety & Nutrition:
3.       Family and Community Collaboration:
4.       Developmentally Appropriate Content:
5.       Learning Environment & Curriculum Implementation:
6.       Assessment of Children & Programs:
7.       Professionalism:


This training is intended to provide an overview of the NM Child Care Licensing Regulations. By the end of this training you will have:

-Identified key aspects of a licensing survey visit
-Listed changes you can make to improve the supervision of children in your care
-Named your strengths and challenges in providing quality social emotional environments for children
-Explored community resources available to assist you in providing high quality care for young children

Additional Information

Please contact the Early Childhood Services Center for technical support:

Available Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
Course Hours
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