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Please Note: Trainings with purple icons are in-person (face-to-face). Nota Por Favor: Las capacitaciones con íconos morados son presenciales (cara-a-cara).
Routines and Rituals
1. Child Growth Development & Learning: 2. Health Safety & Nutrition 3. Family and Community Collaboration 4. Developmentally Appropriate Content: 5. Learning Environment & Curriculum Implementation: 1 hour 6. Assessment of Children & Programs 7. Professionalism
Research shows that supporting healthy Social Emotional development is a key skill for all childcare providers. In this skill builder, you will build upon the positive relationships you have with the children by building their confidence through routine and rituals. You will be able to provide a sense of belonging, predictability and security.
Please contact the Early Childhood Services Center for technical support:
Research shows that supporting healthy Social Emotional development is a key skill for all childcare providers.