Please Note: Trainings with purple icons are in-person (face-to-face). 
Nota Por Favor: Las capacitaciones con íconos morados son presenciales (cara-a-cara). 

Powerful Interactions (PI 1: 4 hrs)

Course Number

The book Powerful Interactions, written by A. Dombro, J. Jablon, & C. Stetson, provides the foundation for this 4-hour training about practical and influential ways to interact with young children. Join us as we explore a number of practical insights and strategies that can help to increase our effectiveness as educators of young children. 


Objective 1:  You will have defined what a “powerful interaction” is and what it isn’t. 
Objective 2:  You will have recognized static in your life, and written strategies to calm the static so that you can be present with children.
Objective 3:  You will have examined your own temperament and the temperament of the children in your care.
Objective 4:  You will have explored strategies for being present, connecting and extending the learning in the classroom, and generate a list of strategies to use.
Objective 5:  You will have used reflection and assessment to create a plan to ensure powerful interactions are occurring during the day, in your classroom. 


  1. Child Growth Development & Learning: 1 hr
  2. Health Safety & Nutrition
  3. Family and Community Collaboration
  4. Developmentally Appropriate Content
  5. Learning Environment & Curriculum Implementation: 3 hr
  6. Assessment of Children & Programs
  7. Professionalism

Additional Information

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Course Hours
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