Please Note: If you are trying to register for the ECOT training, you will have to update your employment information on your profile to your school district (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.)

Nota Por Favor: Si estás intentando inscribirte en la capacitación ECOT, tendrás que actualizar la información de tu empleo en tu perfil al distrito escolar al que perteneces (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.)

Trauma Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers in Child Care: Caring for the Caregiver

Course Number

This session in the trauma-responsive care series will focus on infant/toddler caregiver wellness and well-being. Caregivers will explore how stress and trauma may impact them and how they can safeguard the most important protective factors—themselves. Participants will explore the strategies for building self-reflection and general workforce wellness.

This course meets criteria for Infant/Toddler specific training required by NM Childcare licensing.
  • Explore the importance of caregiver wellness and well-being
  • Define and explore the concepts of stress and trauma in the infant/toddler workforce
  • Review caregiver protective factors and resilience
  • Identify and explore strategies to strengthen wellness and well-being
Additional Information

Please contact the Early Childhood Services Center for technical support:

  • Technical Support 505-277-1118 
  • New Mexico Early Learning System
  • Early Childhood Services Center
  •  Available Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
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