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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please Note: If you are trying to register for the ECOT training, you will have to update your employment information on your profile to your school district (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.) Nota Por Favor: Si estás intentando inscribirte en la capacitación ECOT, tendrás que actualizar la información de tu empleo en tu perfil al distrito escolar al que perteneces (e.g. Albuquerque Public Schools, Los Alamos Public Schools, etc.)
Building Skills for Active Supervision
1. Child Growth Development & Learning: 2. Health Safety & Nutrition: 1 hour 3. Family and Community Collaboration 4. Developmentally Appropriate Content: 5. Learning Environment & Curriculum Implementation: 6. Assessment of Children & Programs: 0.5 hour 7. Professionalism
This training is offered for individuals interested in learning more about active supervision practices and strategies in all environments. Active supervision is the most effective strategy for creating a safe and healthy environment for all children. This training will support educators in enhancing supervision practices to a more active skill.
Please contact the Early Childhood Services Center for technical support: