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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please Note: Trainings with purple icons are in-person (face-to-face). Nota Por Favor: Las capacitaciones con íconos morados son presenciales (cara-a-cara).
Professionals new to the field are starting a process of learning about their profession. Continuous Quality Improvement is about learning more about the profession itself and identifying areas within the profession for growth and improvement. This session is the introduction to this process of continual growth and professional development. 2 hours (Equivalent to 3 STAR Leadership Academy) (NM Competencies: 6 (1hr), 7 (1hr))
– Required for FOCUS program directors or education coordinators (CQI1=3 Star; CQI2= 4 Star; CQI3= 5 Star)
– Required for NM PreK Returning Teachers (CQI 1, 2, &3)
– Equivalent to the former Leadership Academies
Competencies: 6. Assessment of Children & Programs: 1 hr 7. Professionalism: 1 hr
Getting Started
Primary Topic areas for this module are:
Each section of this module has that a specific learning sequence, and each sequence starts with an Achievement Based Objective (ABO):
Please keep in mind that all modules must be completed in order to earn the certificate and all activities are completed through participation. You will not be graded or scored on any activity. This training can be completed in one sitting or through several short sessions depending on your schedule. You can access the training at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once you have completed all modules, your certificate will appear in your transcript.
Please contact the Early Childhood Services Center for technical support: